Tutorial: Running Klipper on a Windows PC (Using WSL)

If you happened upon this article or series of articles from some point in the future you may wonder why I and many others invested so much time into finding ‘things’ that could run Klipper. Well remember that COVID thing? At this point in time most of the world is past the national lock down stages and trying to get back on with life. Unfortunately the manufacturing industries haven’t fully recovered and getting hold of a Raspberry Pi has been challenging for quite some time now. Many people have resorted to back alley scalpers and AI stock finding algorithms, but demand is not being met. To satiate the desire to print faster and to Klipperise everything there is a need to know what other devices can be used instead.

Unfortunately this tutorial is unlikely to solve the RPi crisis and I should really have sat down to consider if I should do this rather than could I do this. Anyway I have managed to get a working Klipper installation on a Windows PC using the windows subsystem for Linux (WSL) tool. I see this as a useful tool for connecting up a board to test and mess around with it rather than a permanent solution for running your printers (Although I would love someone to prove me wrong here). Waffle aside lets get stuck into the tutorial.

Warning this method will required you to have WSL and your Windows PC running the entire time you are printing. You may or may not get USB disconnects when WSL window is closed, I haven’t tested the reliability or actual prints with this method yet!


  • Patience
  • USB cable to connect control board to PC

Installing WSL

Quickly before we do actually get started I should answer the question of what is WSL? The Windows Subsystem for Linux lets developers run a Linux environment — including most command-line tools, utilities, and applications — directly on Windows, unmodified, without the overhead of a traditional virtual machine or dualboot setup.

For most people that probably meant nothing but I felt like I should include it. Installing WSL is very straight forward. Documentation is provided in full here but read on for the basic steps to get started.

Open command prompt as administrator and run the command below

wsl --install

WSL will start to install. Wait for it complete, this can take quite a while as it will automatically download and install Ubuntu at the same time. Other Linux OS are available on the Microsoft store.

Once complete you will be notified that changes won’t be applied until a reboot has occurred. Please go ahead and reboot your PC. When it starts back up the installation should automatically continue and an Ubuntu window will open. Enter a username and password.

You should be greeted with the welcoming sight of an Ubuntu command line interface.

Open the command prompt back up and lets update WSL before we get any further. Shut WSL down then launch it again (Ubuntu should appear like any other program in your menu now) for the changes to take effect.

wsl --update
wsl --shutdown

Preparing Windows

Unfortunately WSL does not automatically have access to USB devices or serial communication ports. Thankfully someone clever has added a tool to make that possible.

In the command prompt enter the command below to install usbipd (run as administrator again)

winget install usbipd

Plug in a printer control board to your PC. Check that you can see the COM port in the device manager. It is COM8 for me.

Run the following command and take a note down of the BUSID for your control board. Mine is ‘1-12’

Depending on your setup and whether or not you have used WSL previously and/or docker you may need to set Ubuntu as your default. run the command below to check. If it is not the default use the second line to set it to be the default. You can run the first command again to check it worked.

wsl --list
wsl --setdefault Ubuntu
wsl --list
sudo apt install linux-tools-virtual hwdata
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/usbip usbip `ls /usr/lib/linux-tools/*/usbip | tail -n1` 20

Now you need to attach the USB device to WSL. Run the command below in CMD prompt. The device should have disappeared from your device list now.

usbipd wsl attach --busid=1-12

Check that it is not visible in WSL. Run the command below in Ubuntu. You can see the results of running this command before and after attaching the USB device below. An STM32 device has appeared which is perfect as I know that is the processor on my control board.


Inside Ubuntu run the following two commands. You will be prompted for the sudo password. Enter the one you set when you created your user at the start. Press y when prompted to continue the installations.

Configuring Ubuntu

Quickly install net-tools as we will use them later to get the IP address.

sudo apt install net-tools

Now the biggest issue with trying to run Klipper on WSL is that it the OS does not support systemd which is used by most services (klipper, moonraker etc.) in the background. Thankfully again someone far cleverer has found a hack to enable this to work!

Start off by installing the dependencies in Ubuntu. Again use Y to accept the installations.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install dbus policykit-1 daemonize

Create an interceptor that catches the systemd calls and sends them to the right place. (I’ve changed the text editor to nano because I find it easier to use than the one advised by the Github readme.)

sudo touch /usr/local/bin/wsl2hack
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wsl2hack
sudo nano /usr/local/bin/wsl2hack

The commands above will end by launching a text editor (nano). Paste the following code in but make sure to update your username. in the 3rd line with the one you set when installing Ubuntu. when done hit ctrl + X and then y and finally enter to save the changes.

# your WSL2 username

UUID=$(id -u "${UNAME}")
UGID=$(id -g "${UNAME}")
UHOME=$(getent passwd "${UNAME}" | cut -d: -f6)
USHELL=$(getent passwd "${UNAME}" | cut -d: -f7)

if [[ -p /dev/stdin || "${BASH_ARGC}" > 0 && "${BASH_ARGV[1]}" != "-c" ]]; then

if [[ "${PWD}" = "/root" ]]; then
    cd "${UHOME}"

# get pid of systemd
SYSTEMD_PID=$(pgrep -xo systemd)

# if we're already in the systemd environment
if [[ "${SYSTEMD_PID}" -eq "1" ]]; then
    exec "${USHELL}" "$@"

if [[ -z ${SYSTEMD_PID} ]]; then
    # start systemd
    /usr/bin/daemonize -l "${HOME}/.systemd.lock" /usr/bin/unshare -fp --mount-proc /lib/systemd/systemd --system-unit=basic.target

    # wait for systemd to start
    while [[ -z ${SYSTEMD_PID} && $retries -ge 0 ]]; do
        (( retries-- ))
            sleep .1
            SYSTEMD_PID=$(pgrep -xo systemd)

    if [[ $retries -lt 0 ]]; then
        >&2 echo "Systemd timed out; aborting."
        exit 1

# export WSL variables
export WINPATH="$(echo "$PATH"|grep -o ':/mnt/c.*$'|sed 's!^:!!')"

# enter systemd namespace
exec /usr/bin/nsenter -t "${SYSTEMD_PID}" -m -p --wd="${PWD}" /sbin/runuser $RUNOPTS -s "${USHELL}" "${UNAME}" -- "${@}"

Run the follow command. Choose 1 (nano) and then add rootwsl:x:0:0:root:/root:/usr/local/bin/wsl2hack as the first line in the file. DO NOT change or delete anything else. ctrl + X, y and enter to save changes.

sudo vipw

Now repeat the last steps but using the command below.

sudo vipw -s

Close Ubuntu. Use the CMD prompt to shut it down.

Next we need to set the default user to root for the script to work and simulate systemd on startup. Again in CMD prompt run

wsl --shutdown
ubuntu config --default-user root

Launch Ubuntu and check that everything is working by running the command below. You should get the response active and be logged into the user you set up rather than the root user.

systemctl is-active dbus

Installing Klipper

Now is the easy bit. It’s time to install Klipper using KIAUH like we are accustomed to. Also a big thank you to th33xitus for firstly developing and maintaining KIAUH and secondly for giving me a pointer on the systemd side of things to get this to work!

Run the following commands in Ubuntu

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/th33xitus/kiauh.git

Next start up KIAUH and install the components in the following order Klipper -> Moonraker -> Mainsail (or Fluidd if you prefer).

Get the ip address of the device by running the command below. Look for the inet line under eth0.


Enter this into your web browser and boom you should have klipper!

As per usual the MCU can’t be found because we need to configure the printer.cfg. However first make sure your usb device is mounted. in CMD prompt run the following command (modified based on the code you wrote down near for the bus id earlier)

usbipd wsl attach --busid=1-12 

In Ubuntu run the command below to get the id of the device. Paste this ID into your printer.cfg file (using the mainsail UI) and that’s it your ready to Klipper!

ls /dev/serial/by-id/*

67 thoughts on “Tutorial: Running Klipper on a Windows PC (Using WSL)

  1. Sorry. How do I retrieve the klipper.bin file from this method? SKR 1.4T but KIAUH refuses to flash or send the file to the SD card via USB. How can I retrieve the file manaully? Thanks.


    1. Oh I got it. “\\wsl$” in any explorer window. No other neathod was working for me. What a pain in the butt! Gonna go with a Orange Pi. This will have to do until I can get one.


  2. Hello Dmason. first of all thanks fo this tutorial it help me a lot in configuring klipper on WSL however whenever I restart my laptop, Mainsail become unreachable. The only workaround to access it again is to reinstall mainsail through Kiauh, did you encounter this issue as well or do you have any permanent solution ? Thanks !


  3. Whenever the printer is disconnected or turned off from the computer and then re-connected WSL doesn’t see the device until I re-enter the command: usbipd wsl attach –busid=1-12
    Is there a way to automate or get around this issue?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. i get to this:

    wsl –shutdown
    ubuntu config –default-user root

    and then ubuntu never boots again, doesnt matter if i reboot pc or not…


    1. it doesn’t reboot automatically. Are you saying that when you open ubuntu WSL window it won’t run and crashes or gets stuck? I haven’t seen that before


  5. Now repeat the last steps but using the command below.
    sudo vipw -s
    after doing the above step ubuntu just crashes as soon as it launches…..


  6. I have everything installed, when I go to get the device ID again it says “usbipd: error: WSL kernel is not USBIP capable; update with ‘wsl –update’.”

    WSL is already updated…

    It connected in the very beginning prior to doing all the command line work. Anyone else run into this issue? Literally spent my whole day trying to find a work around, but doesn’t wanna budge lol.


      1. Can you share your fix? It will help others if they also get stuck,

        Sorry I didn’t have time to help, the blog is on the back burner whole I renovate a house!


  7. PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> ubuntu config –default-user root
    id: ‘’: no such user
    id: ‘’: no such user
    runuser: user does not exist or the user entry does not contain all the required fields
    Error: 0x80070057 The parameter is incorrect.

    is this because i put in wrong user name in nano editor? now ubuntu auto close when i open it.
    how to revert this?


    1. I got to the shutdown step right before installing klipper and now Ubuntu crashes when I try to run it. Im pretty sure this is the same problem you have. Have you figured it out?


  8. i figure out to unregister ubuntu in wsl first

    in powershell admin, run:
    wsl –shutdown
    wslconfig /unregister ubuntu
    wsl –install –distribution ubuntu

    then this can fix the Failed attach disk C:\ error above mention.
    create new user, now i can start over…
    wish me luck


  9. I cant access klipper using the IP over the network. I have it set up on a laptop and want to access it from my computer on the same network. It just says the site can’t be reached? Any solution?


      1. Apologies time got away from me. I got it working but I wasn’t happy with all the steps I’d done so wanted to make a clean image I could share


  10. Thank you for posting this. I ran through everything successfully but get this in the mainsail GUI.

    Printer is not ready
    The klippy host software is attempting to connect. Please
    retry in a few moments

    Any idea?


  11. I get to this point /sbin/ifconfig and then nothing, the IP addres provided does nothing, shows the message that the web page cant be access


  12. Managed to get this to work on ubuntu 22.04 on wsl2 on a tiny11 tablet.

    after the
    “sudo apt update
    sudo apt install dbus policykit-1 daemonize”

    part, you can follow the official steps from microsoft to set up systemd on wsl2https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/systemd-support-is-now-available-in-wsl/

    continue from installing klipper

    I havent tested it extensively but it has connected.

    Not sure how feasible it will be running this on 4GB of RAM it seems to maxing out with a single browser page open. Unless there is a linux distro that supports touch well, this the only way to a good touch only fluidd interface.


  13. I install the usbipd and it says successful . but the command usbipd list gets the result usbipd is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. what do I do ?


      1. So I did that and got the installed successfully. Then I tried it again and it was a yellow message saying it’s already installed.


  14. What command exactly are you trying now? Once installed you should just be using “usbipd list” to find them, this shouldn’t try install anything


    1. now the whole sudo apt install linux-tools-virtual hwdata is giving me error 404. it goes ign 1 then ign 2 then ign 3 then ign 4 then err 1 err 2 etc…. and it says jammy-updates/main amd64 but im using an intel laptop does that matter?


  15. I managed to get Klipper working in Linux Mint inside a HyperV virtual machine on my windows 11 desktop.
    Was just as easy or difficult as installing Klipper on a standalone Linux machine.


    1. If you would like to do a quick writeup I’d love to add it to my list! (If you don’t have somewhere to do that I’d happily post it with credit to yourself)


  16. I’ve followed this tutorial successfully months ago, now I’m trying to install on a different computer and am getting 404 errors when I run the command
    sudo apt install linux-tools-virtual hwdata


  17. ####################################################
    FIXES/SOLUTIONS to some problems..

    First, thank you so much for this guide! Truly appreciated 🙂

    I did get stuck in a few areas on 2 different machines. Here’s how I solved them:
    – If you get an error “Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with –fix-missing?” after running “sudo apt install linux-tools-virtual hwdata”, try “sudo apt-get update”, then try “sudo apt install linux-tools-virtual hwdata” again.
    – After running “ubuntu config –default-user root”, if you get “rootwsl@dave-Desktop:/home/dave#” instead of “dave@DESKTOP-PO3RS1:~$”, try “su – dave” (replace “dave” with your username) to switch back to “dave@DESKTOP-PO3RS1:~$” before you install KIAUH, otherwise you will not be able to run KIAUH after you install it (I forgot what error you’ll get).
    – After installing KIAUH “git clone https://github.com/th33xitus/kiauh.git“, you run it by running “./kiauh/kiauh.sh”
    – After you’re done installing Klipper and Moonraker and Mainsail/Fluidd, hit B then Q to exit (obvious steps, but just adding it for completion).

    I hope this helps others.

    Thank you again for the awesome guide!


  18. Anyone started getting errors when trying to mount the printer? I put in:

    usbipd wsl attach –busid=8-1

    As I’ve been doing for months and just today started getting back:

    usbip: error: import device
    usbipd: error: Failed to attach device with busid ‘8-1’.

    I’ve tried updating usbip, I’ve tried making sure everything on Linux is up to date as far as I can tell. I’ve restarted my computer and the printer multiple times.

    I don’t know if there was a recent update that broke the whole process but I’m not able to find a way to fix it.


    1. Yeah same here, no idea why. I’ve got it working by doing the following:
      – In CMD do ipconfig to get the IP address used for WSL
      – In Ubuntu do usbip list -r to get a list of devices
      – In Ubuntu do sudo usbip attach -r -b X-X replacing the Xs with the busid


    1. Brooooo thank you! Holy crap that worked. I tried so many things and just could not get it but this did it! Awesome! Thanks again.


      1. You’re welcome my dude. I think something must’ve updated recently and broken it, I tried asking the dev of usbipd-win but haven’t got any further yet – linking from WSL doesn’t seem as reliable as linking from Windows, I’m running 4 printers and I’m having more issues than I used to….but at least it works!


  19. Hey!
    First off, this guide is really good and it helped me setting up Klipper really quickly.
    Second, I’ve been using this for a few weeks now it it seemed fine but after restarting the PC I’ve been starting to get this error:
    “Klipper reports: SHUTDOWN
    MCU ‘mcu’ shutdown: Timer too close”
    Any one had something similar?
    Any way to fix this?
    Thank you!


    1. I found I always needes to run the steps to link the USB port to the WSL instance after each time I fully shut down.

      I believe there is an easier way using virtual box where the user would just be able to download the image and it be ready to use.

      Unfortunately I’ve not had the time this year to contribute much to my blog 😕


      1. Hey, thanks for your reply!
        I wasn’t actually talking about attaching the USB port to WSL
        I meant that when printing it could suddenly stop printing with the error “Klipper reports: SHUTDOWN
        MCU ‘mcu’ shutdown: Timer too close”
        I don’t mind reattaching the USB everytime the connection is dropped honestly, I just want it to work 😦


      2. Well, the only time I got it to work reliably is when I installed Ubuntu on my PC to test it (I tried VMWare but it didn’t work and VMBox was causing BSODs)
        Seems like I have to buy a separate machine to make this work, probably a Raspberry Pi 3b+.


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